Business summit “Business of the North and Arctic Regions of Russia in Terms of Global Challenges of the XXI Century. Experience of Nordic Countries in Enhancing the Competitiveness of Enterprises in the Arctic Regions”, was held on the 20th of November 2013 in Murmansk during the II Murmansk International business week (18-23 of November).

Organizers: Government of the Murmansk region, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Association of the CCI of the Arctic (circumpolar) regions of the Russian Federation, Norwegian-Russian Chamber of Commerce, Euro-Arctic Chamber of Commerce, Northern Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Institute of Economic Problems of the  Kola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Science (KSC RAS).

The CEOs of the Chambers of Commerce, leading experts of the Arctic regions of Russia, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Canada, USA are invited for the participation in the Summit.

Aims of the Summit: exchange of experience in the implementation of programs to improve the competitiveness of enterprises operating in Arctic conditions, the development of cooperation of Arctic regions. 

The following topics for discussion are suggested:

  • increased cost of labour resources, which is connected with rise in prices in life activity, lack of trained personnel, compensatory payments for the discomfort of living;
  • increased cost of capital funds – so called “northern accomplishment”, and a rapid deterioration of them;
  • infrastructure costs, including increased transport costs and communicational transactions costs;
  • increased ecological costs;
  • increased costs associated with social responsibility, lack of development of municipal infrastructure;
  • increased risks of emergencies and costs of their prevention or elimination

Download the Resolution

Practical information for participants

Working languages of the business summit: English and Russian.

Participation in the business summit is free of charge. Coffee breaks during the business summit will be provided by the organizers. Travel and accommodation costs are paid by the participants. Information about accommodation can be found on the registration link.

The organizers are also glad to invite you to participate in other  business events of Murmansk international Business Week. Details and online registration at

Contact information of organizers:

International Department, 

Northern Chamber of Commerce & Industry,

Murmansk, Russia.

Tel: +7(8152) 554-723, 554-720

Tel/fax: +7(8152) 554-721

Mobile: +7 960 020 1605
