Dear colleagues!

The NRCC Networking Meeting in Murmansk in the framework of the project “Networking Arena – North” will take place on the 19thof June 2014. The meeting will take place at Hotel Park Inn Poliarnie Zori, start at 16.30. Working language is English with simultaneous interpreting into Russian.

The NRCC Networking Meetings are devoted to the prospects of cooperation between Norway and Murmansk region in different fields and industries. The representatives of the leading companies of Russia and Norway usually take part in these meetings. The following NRCC Networking Meeting is devoted to the prospects of the Russian-Norwegian cooperation in Arctic Zone. According to the program the following representatives will take part: Marit Egholm Jacobsen, Acting Council General of the Norwegian Consulate General in Murmansk;  Maksim Belov, Deputy Director of «Solarctic» in Murmansk;  Andrey Krivorotov, Secretary of the Board «Shtokman Development» in Moscow; Atle Berge, General Director and Owner of the company «Olen Betong» and others.

On behalf of the Norwegian-Russian Chamber of Commerce we are glad to invite you to take part in the following NRCC Networking Meeting. You can confirm your participation by e-mails: and

Program of the meeting is attached.

For more information please call (8152) 554-723,  554-720, 8960 020 1605.