The North Chamber of Commerce & Industry (NCCI) is the non-state, non-for-profit organization located in the City of Murmansk, Russia. It was established in December 1990.

The Chamber is uniting on the voluntary basis commercial and non-commercial organizations, enterprises and entrepreneurs as well as their associations within the Murmansk Region. Over 170 business members of the North CCI are representing the whole spectrum of the regional economy.

NCCI is the initiator and participant of the Barents Euro-Arctic Chamber of Commerce (Barents Chamber) uniting the Chambers of Commerce of the Northern parts of Russia, Finland, Sweden and Norway.

The mission of the NCCI is to contribute to transformation of Murmansk region into attractive for business region of Russia, to promote creation of working places, success of the member companies by means of protection of their interests, providing the information and business services.

The main objectives and goals of the NCCI are as follows:

  • To promote development of economy of Murmansk area;
  • To encourage formation of a modern infrastructure for business development, to create favorable conditions for entrepreneur activity;
  • To develop trade and economical relations, scientific and technical links, to strengthen business cooperation of Russian and foreign firms and organizations;
  • Interaction with power authorities and governmental bodies, including representation in and protecting of interests of the enterprises, businessmen and their associations

The NCCI has the following divisions:

  • Foreign Relations Department
  • Informational and Marketing Center
  • The Recruiting Agency “Expert-Personnel”
  • The Arbitration Court for settlement of economic disputes
  • The Center for Legal Expertise
  • Department for Certification of Services
  • Informational and Consulting Center for Start-up Businessmen

The North Chamber of Commerce & Industry provides the following services for the foreign partners and customers:

  • Consulting services and informational support regarding business and foreign economic activity, legislation, rules and practice of foreign trade
  • Assists in searching for business partners in Russia and abroad;
  • Issues and certifies documents related to foreign economic activity;
  • Assists in opening Representations of foreign firms and companies in Murmansk Region
  • Arranges presentations of firms and companies, participation in different exhibitions, conferences, business meeting both in Russia and abroad;
  • Participates in sub-contracting projects
  • Conducts marketing researches, provides marketing information concerning Russian and foreign companies and firms;
  • Provides translating and interpreting services from and to Russian and foreign languages;
  • Arranges training of specialists and chief executives in the sphere of modern trends of entrepreneur activity in Russia and abroad;
  • Recruiting services;
  • Provides other services, projects and initiatives.

Address: Russanov Lane 10, Murmansk City, 183766, Russia
Telephones: +7 (8152) 554-723; 554-720

Tel/fax: +7 (8152) 554 -721

Web site: